These last days

Church Ope Portland, Dorset

I really just wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful New Year celebration. We have all had another year of things to get used to. Maybe we didn’t expect much, or maybe some of us expected too much. Either way, it seems like we are at a point, thankfully together, where we have forcefully had to learn that there are thing we CAN control, and many more that we just cannot. The stress levels have been up, and the moods have been down. A huge learning curve for us all. I do find a lot of comfort in knowing that we are all in it together.

As the world turns, and we turn with it, let’s remember the great and terrible times. Let’s honestly shine a light on to the great ones, because why not? I will give you a list of my own great a terrible times of 2021 below, in no particular order, and leave you with my wish for you. Happy New Year!

Recovering from long covid after going to hospital 3 times.

Learning yoga from an absolutely wonderful teacher and friend.

Packing up our home to leave California.

Leaving our dear friends.

Moving closer to our other dear friends and family.

Being scared.

Being happy.

Launching Lifeforce Academy.

Not knowing anything.

Being a professional.

Opening to love.

Being confused.

Seeing clearly.

Wearing a mask everywhere.

Not wearing a mask anywhere.

and so much more

Tanja Djelevic