Welcome 2023!!

A huge (and wet where I am) welcome to 2023! I’m starting the year with a consciously fresh outlook, and I’m officially letting the memories of 2022 settle into my heart and head bank. I don’t have any resolutions, they wouldn’t last me too long in-fact. I’m planning to hone in on the things I can control, and prioritize staying close to my heart. How is your year starting? Are you a resolution type of person, or are you moving towards having a sustainable practice in place?

As the year is beginning, and our ears and eyes might be forced to listen to wand watch what the rest of the world id doing, it can be nice to limit the inlest, and decided what goes and what doesn’t. I want to share a few tips that don’t only work because science tells us so, but on a human level, they seems to be something that connects us and moves us forward. It’s the ability to voluntarily change things that are not working for us on a deeper level. And IF we in fact are in the business of changing something, we can do so with very small actions, that won’t disrupt our world immensely in the moment. They can in fact be a fun way to move forward.

In the first week of this year, me and my love have been able to speak out, and paint a mind map of the things we want to be a part of as a team. I have also had the intentions to do the same for myself and my own journey. This is also the way I coach my clients on a daily basis. One step at a time. One things at a time. Change takes time. We have to have fun on the journey, and also trust the rollercoaster of change.

Whatever you focus on, magnifies. Choose your focus! Practice re-direction. Worry feeds more worry. Maybe make a list of things you can control and things you can’t. Then commit to focusing on what is possible.

Doing things we love, opens our hearts and regulates the nervous system. Find a thing, whatever that might be that makes you smile: a hobby, cuddle with pets, be of help to someone, and make a conscious effort to make time weekly for this things. It doens’t matter of its of short duration. Just taking the time to consciously enjoy will help you move in the right direction with your heart.

Starting small, moves mountains. If you’re a person, you’ve probably at some point in the tried to make changes by changing everything at once. How was that working out for you? Im here to tell you with 100% confidence that if you start small, you will win big! All small creeks lead to the vast ocean.

I’m excited to be continuing my journey of true coaching for health and wellness, to be of service and to created the life I want to be a part of. Now is the time:) Prepare for the ups and down, I’ve got your hand in mine: let’s go on a Journey together!

Live Loud!

Tanja Djelevic